Parenting Tips for Handling Preteens

Parenting Tips for Handling Preteens

Getting through the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be a challenging process for parents of young children. As their hormones start to rise, they often feel like they are being pushed too much, and they are also more prone to mood swings. As kids enter...
Comparing Different Schooling Options

Comparing Different Schooling Options

There are various options available to parents when it comes to choosing a school for their children. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the rise of charter schools have led to an increasing number of families choosing non-traditional types of schools. Also, the...
How Parenting Styles Affect Child Personality

How Parenting Styles Affect Child Personality

Although developmental psychologists have studied how parents affect children’s development for many years, they cannot clearly demonstrate how their actions affect kids’ behavior. Some children who share a home can have very different personalities....
Best Advice for New Moms

Best Advice for New Moms

Becoming a mother is a wondrous occasion filled with more joy than often a new mom imagines. It can feel like her heart doubled in size, bursting with boundless love for the new life that she just created. Though fervently devoted to her little one, it is common for...
How to Teach Children Gratitude

How to Teach Children Gratitude

There are many life lessons that parents want to pass down to their children. Lessons such as humility and gratitude. Read more to start learning how to teach your children gratitude.  By learning to appreciate the good and bad in life, you can help them develop a...