Great Extracurricular’s For Your Kids

Great Extracurricular’s For Your Kids

One of the best things you can do for your kids is to get them involved in various activities after the school day is over. Extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and a handful of other things are a great way for kids to expand their knowledge and skills...
Great YouTube Channels For New Parents In 2022

Great YouTube Channels For New Parents In 2022

YouTube has become a popular platform for people to go to when they’re looking to learn more about something. Many people, whether they be professionals or amateurs, have taken it upon themselves to go online and try to teach people how to do things, or share...
Great Summertime Activities The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Great Summertime Activities The Whole Family Can Enjoy

With summer in full swing, you might be trying to figure out fun activities that you can do with your family while the nice weather is here and the kids don’t have to go to school. While there are always a few obvious answers, you may find yourself struggling to...
Do’s and Don’ts When Raising A Child With ADHD

Do’s and Don’ts When Raising A Child With ADHD

Raising a child with ADHD can be challenging, as its severity and type can make it nearly impossible to set regular household rules. It’s totally normal to become frustrated with your child, but there are also things you should and shouldn’t do in order to...
TED Talks For Parents Raising Teens

TED Talks For Parents Raising Teens

Parenting is difficult, but parenting a teenager might be the most difficult aspect of parenting. All parents will get to this point at some time down the road – your kids grow up, and while they’re still children, they have a mind of their own, and...
Great Parenting Podcasts For 2022

Great Parenting Podcasts For 2022

A good podcast is an easy way to keep up with what’s happening in the world around you. They can be accessed anywhere with a cell phone and can be a great form of passive entertainment, news, or even education. When you’re a busy parent, a good podcast can...