It’s nearly autumn. That means back-to-school commercials saturate the airwaves, and your children grouse and gripe about the bygone days of summer. As stores around the country advertise school supply sales for students of all ages, it’s about time you take your kids shopping for new notebooks and sharpened pencils. If you’re at a loss for what your kids might need this year, here are a couple of necessities that will help your kids succeed.

Colored Tabs

These bright, sticky tabs will help everyone from the last-minute studier to the hyper-organized academic. Colored tabs can be placed in textbooks, workbooks, and packets to highlight important text for quick reference. They’ll stay securely in place and they are easy to remove without tearing any pages. Your children can use them to mark important textbook passages, bookmark chapter books, or even flag troublesome homework problems. No more light-as-a-feather pencil marks that never get erased, no more dog-earing, and no more frantically flipping through homework packets to find the one problem that wasn’t filled out.

Mini Wellness Kit

You probably keep chapstick and hand lotion in your purse, maybe a few small bandaids, too. Make sure your child has access to similar resources while they’re at school. Even when crammed full of textbooks and workbooks and library books, your child’s backpack should have enough room for a small baggie of personal necessities. A typical mini wellness kit should feature a small pack of soft tissues, chapstick, hair ties, hand sanitizer, and any other items kids may need during the day. Be sure to check it every so often and replenish anything that’s running low so that your child stays happy and healthy all year round!


Most schools give out generic agenda books, but try to take your kids to the store and let them pick out a special agenda book just for them. If kids have the chance to get a personalized planner, they may be more incentivized to use it; incorporating some personal flair can make schoolwork less daunting. You may even host a planner decorating night, complete with stickers and markers, to really let the kids get the most out of their agenda books. This will keep your kids happy and organized—the best of both worlds for any student.

Lunchbox and Reusable Water Bottle

Packing a lunch for your kids ensures they’re eating healthy, and while it’s okay to splurge on pizza day at school, pre-packaged sandwiches and fruits are always the best food for young bodies and minds. Additionally, giving your child a small reusable water bottle is a great way to teach sustainability, and keeps them hydrated during a full day of running around on the playground. Packing lunches and water is a cheap and convenient option for many families and offers more variety in the way of food than a school lunch does.