How to Redecorate Your Home on a Budget

How to Redecorate Your Home on a Budget

Decorating on a budget may seem impossible, but it does not have to be. There are multiple ways for people to decorate their homes to reflect their unique tastes and desired look. Simple efforts can yield tremendous results, from modern contemporary homes to cozy and...
4 Ways to Bring Your Family Together

4 Ways to Bring Your Family Together

Most families spend an average of 37 quality minutes per day together. Getting more time together doesn’t have to be complicated. Even mundane, everyday tasks can become a fun-filled family affair. Here are four simple ways to bring the family together before summer...
STEM Programs for Girls

STEM Programs for Girls

STEM is an educational approach that uses real-world applications with hands-on and minds-on lessons. STEM is an acronym that represents science, technology, engineering, and math. Providing high-quality STEM programs geared towards attracting girls has become...
5 Great Podcasts For Moms

5 Great Podcasts For Moms

When you become a mom, you don’t always have time to do the things that once entertained you. A quiet afternoon with a book is a myth, and you can’t seem to get the television to yourself; the channel is always set to cartoons. Luckily, podcasts are a form...
4 Ways to Celebrate the End of the School Year with Your Children

4 Ways to Celebrate the End of the School Year with Your Children

This school year has been tough for many families. Kids and parents alike deserve a reward for all the effort they put into continuing the school year while handling the stress of a global pandemic. Even though socially distancing families cannot invite friends over...