Involving Your Children in Cooking for Thanksgiving

Involving Your Children in Cooking for Thanksgiving

It can be easier to shoo kids away from the kitchen during the hectic Thanksgiving cooking process. However, besides being fun, getting young chefs involved in the cooking and baking of Thanksgiving meals can also take some of the work off of your plate. So Why Do It?...
Tips For Getting Your Kids To Do Their Chores

Tips For Getting Your Kids To Do Their Chores

When parents work full-time jobs while also raising children, it’s totally normal to ask your children to help out with chores and the like. You’re probably exhausted and you can’t be expected to handle everything around the house on your own,...
How to Encourage Children to Help With Chores

How to Encourage Children to Help With Chores

If all members of your household work or learn full-time, you’ve probably created a chore schedule for everyone. Chores are a great way to teach children responsibility and cleanliness, but they aren’t always as fun as video games or television. If your children...
The Importance of Introducing Chores at Home

The Importance of Introducing Chores at Home

As parents, one of the first things we want to teach our children is a good sense of responsibility.  A great way to do this is by gradually introducing household chores into your child’s normal routine. According to a University of Maryland study, American...