4 Ways to Bring Your Family Together

4 Ways to Bring Your Family Together

Most families spend an average of 37 quality minutes per day together. Getting more time together doesn’t have to be complicated. Even mundane, everyday tasks can become a fun-filled family affair. Here are four simple ways to bring the family together before summer...
5 Educational Activities for Kids During the Summer

5 Educational Activities for Kids During the Summer

With school out, kids need to keep their brains engaged to avoid the “summer slide.” Studies show that students forget nearly 3 months of math instruction over break, and learning loss can also impact reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and...
5 Great Podcasts For Moms

5 Great Podcasts For Moms

When you become a mom, you don’t always have time to do the things that once entertained you. A quiet afternoon with a book is a myth, and you can’t seem to get the television to yourself; the channel is always set to cartoons. Luckily, podcasts are a form...
4 Ways to Celebrate the End of the School Year with Your Children

4 Ways to Celebrate the End of the School Year with Your Children

This school year has been tough for many families. Kids and parents alike deserve a reward for all the effort they put into continuing the school year while handling the stress of a global pandemic. Even though socially distancing families cannot invite friends over...
Five Recipes to Cook and Enjoy with Kids

Five Recipes to Cook and Enjoy with Kids

Cooking with kids can be chaotic and messy. Still, it’s rewarding to pour effort into something the whole family can enjoy. Here are five fun meal ideas that both parents and kids will love to make and eat! Kabobs Provided that children are old enough not to poke...
Advice for Parenting During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Advice for Parenting During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has restructured family life across the globe. Children are participating in online education and many parents are working from home. Being uprooted from the familiar routines of everyday life can be disconcerting. Both adults and children have...