When you become a mom, you don’t always have time to do the things that once entertained you. A quiet afternoon with a book is a myth, and you can’t seem to get the television to yourself; the channel is always set to cartoons. Luckily, podcasts are a form of entertainment that you can follow while going about your daily tasks. Here are five good ones to start with:


1- Motherhood Sessions

In this podcast, Dr. Alexandra Sacks interviews regular moms on the struggles that come with this change of lifestyle. She readily opens the conversations we’re afraid to have with our closest friends, on topics that are hard to admit but very real.


2- The Longest Shortest Time

Host Hillary Frank insists that stories about parenting can be exciting, so she recorded 200 episodes. Similar to Motherhood Sessions, Moms open up about the taboo topics that make motherhood less glamorous. Though it is no longer recording, the backlog provides us with enough entertainment.


3- What Fresh Hell

In the same vein, What Fresh Hell talks about everyday life and the things that new moms learn as they adapt. What Fresh Hell is a well-structured, well-researched show hosted by Amy Wilson and Margaret Ables. Its humor will lighten up even the most chaotic day.


4- Unspoken Stories

Though actress and mother Tatyana Ali hosts Unspoken Stories, she steps aside to let her guests tell their stories, only piping in occasionally for the narration. Dealing with stories about loss and pregnancy in a very human manner, this podcast tugs at our emotions in the best way.


5- Mom Enough

For a fun twist on the motherhood podcast, listen to Mom Enough. It has two hosts, a mother and her daughter, and their banter will give you a good laugh. They feature experts in fields related to motherhood, so we can trust that the advice given is excellent.


There are hundreds of podcasts about motherhood to choose from, but these are great places to start. Go ahead and binge-listen, then, while you’re keeping an eye on your precious little ones!